
CERM-ESA Research Programme

Publications :

Call for papers:


Africanizing educational research and practice

Guest Editor: Prof Paul Webb

Although there are many unique contexts in Africa which make it a fascinating place for research and educational practice, truly African educational scholarship is often thin in critical areas and there appears to have been less local research carried out than should be the case (Jansen, 2005). More needs to be known in African contexts about the relationships between culture, language, identity, politics, etc., all of which can inform vital local issues and contribute to broader understandings in an international sense (Brocke-Utne, 1996). Even data generated by expatriates/foreigners is open for re-analysis and re-interpretation (Association for Public and Land-grant Universities, 2014).



The above issues pose a number of questions such as: What makes any particular educational research project ‘African’? Are there practices which reflect the identity of the continent? What contributions can ‘African’ research and practice make to social, cultural or ecological justice and change? Are there characteristically ‘African’ responses to globalism in a world that is rapidly becoming interdependent and often more an intolerant place in which to live?


While contributions to this themed issue could focus on any of the above issues, other diverse perspectives on Africanizing educational research and practice are welcome.


If you have empirical research to share or wish to theorize from the literature on Africanizing educational research and practice, please submit an extended abstract (see with the title, name(s) and author(s) via email to Amina Brey 9 September 2016.




Association for Public and Land-grant Universities. (2014). African higher education: Opportunities for transformative change for sustainable development. Knowledge Center on Higher Education for African Development. United States of America: USAID.


Brock-Utne, B. (1996). Reliability and validity in qualitative research within education in Africa. International Review of Education, 46(6), 605-621.


Jansen, J. (2005). Lost in Translation? Researching Education in Africa. In D. Hammet & R Wedgewood (Eds.) The Methodological Challenges of Researching Education and Skills Development in Africa (pp. 16-25). Edinburgh University, United Kingdom: Centre of African Studies.




Extended abstracts are due on 9 September 2016.


(Suggestions for writing extended abstracts are available online at: )


Invitations will be sent to selected authors by 23 September 2016.


Full manuscripts due by 4 November 2016.
Visit to access the author guidelines.

Submit to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. cc This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


CERM-ESA Master’s and PhD topics 2016/2017


  1. Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Indigenous Knowledge in the School Curriculum in Kenya and South Africa. Place and Position

  2. Developing Pre-School Learners‘ Visual Perceptual Abilities Through Guided Play Activities Involving Six-Brick Duplo Approach

  3. An Arts - based comparative study of Kenyan and South African pre-service teachers' perceptions of the extent to which their institutions embrace a humanising pedagogy

  4. Developing a Culturally Sensitive Disciplinary Literacy: A Design Based Approach

  5. Formative assessment strategies and thier influence in mathematics instruction in Nandi County, Kenya

  6. Perceptions and Practices of Communicative Language Teaching in Tanzanian Secondary Schools: Critical Theory Perspective

  7. The Effect of Postgraduate Student-Supervisor Relationships on Student Retention and Completion Rate of Doctoral Studies: An Investigation in three African Universities

  8. Sexuality and the Cultural Constructions of Manhood in Africa: Implications for HIV/AIDS Education

  9. Plagiarism in Master’s and Doctoral studies: An intercultural investigation

  10. The challenges and opportunities for higher education institutions in addressing climate change: A comparative study of Makerere University(Uganda) and University of Dar es Salaam(Tanzania)

  11. Exploring the use of participatory and visual methods in teaching sexuality education in selected Kenyan secondary schools


st International Research Conference


Re-thinking Educational Research in African Contexts (23-24 September 2015)




  1. Prof. Catherine Odora Hoppers: Transformation and Change in the Knowledge Generation Paradigms in the African and Global Contexts: Implications for Education Research in the 21st Century

  2. Prof. Birgit Brock-Utne: Decolonisation of Research in the African University

  3. Dr. Julius Jwan: Educational Leadership and Management - Challenges for Research and Professional Development in the Kenyan contex



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