Academic Programme

The CERM-ESA study programme will focus on the needs for, and relevance of, educational research training and management in connection with the social development goals of the respective African countries.

In particular these are, the struggle against poverty, illiteracy, violence, epidemic diseases and the strengthening of basic education, vocational and teacher training. Therefore, the promotion and improvement of research, innovation and management for (a) primary and secondary school education, (b) professional development of teachers and educational managers and (c) subject-or-vocation-related learning and teaching (Fachdidaktik undBerufsbildung) will be particularly relevant areas of research.

For this purpose, the improvement of the training of future leaders in teaching, research supervision and academic management in Educational Science at the universities and their affiliated teacher training colleges will be the first priority.


CERM-ESA Academic Programme

Autumn / Summer Schools 

st CERM-ESA Autumn School: Educational Research Methodologies – Paradigms, Research Designs and Data Generation Techniques. 04-17 of April 2016 at NMMU (Hyperlink to the programme)

nd CERM-ESA Autumn School: Educational Research Methodologies - Data Analysis, Interpretation and Academic Writing, 06-19 February 2017, Moi University


Course work :
Internationally Comparative Educational Research (Prof. Christel Adick, Dr. Alphonce C.L. Omolo), 20-26 April 2016, NMMU


Plagiarism (Prof. Nonnie Botha), 24 May 2016, NMMU


CERM-ESA Master’s Programme

The new Master’s Programme in ‘Educational Research Methodologies’ at Moi University starts early 2017. The programme aims to equip upcoming researchers and leaders with a thorough foundation and a critical understanding of educational research methodologies within an African context. Central to the programme is that the students don’t only learn about research but also carry out a research project themselves. A self-reflexive report on the methodological aspects of their research feeds in CERM-ESA’s knowledge pool on educational methodologies in African contexts.



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